Point Salines Airport, Grenada (renamed Maurice Bishop International Airport)

Doran Consulting was commissioned to provide the civil and structural engineering design service for this Design & Build project to redevelop Point Salines Airport in Grenada (which has since been renamed Maurice Bishop Airport). The airport was constructed in the early 1980s to accommodate medium and long range aircraft and is Grenada’s sole airport, located on a coastal peninsula in the south-west of the island which is only 12m above mean sea level.

The redevelopment scheme involved an upgrade of the airport terminal building and works to protect the runway from coastal erosion due to its location. The airport terminal works included the design of new steel framed mezzanine floors within the existing terminal.  The work was phased to allow construction to take place within an operational terminal. The coastal protection element of the commission involved a detailed site inspection of the runway, design of a rock armoured coastal defence system along approximately 500m of shoreline and the supervision of the construction works.