St Thomas’ Parish Church, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast

St. Thomas’ Church is situated on the corner of Eglantine Avenue and the Lisburn Road in south Belfast, close to Queen’s University. The church and rectory were built in 1870 and are grade B+ classified buildings which were designed by renowned architect, Sir John Lanyon. St Thomas’ is one of the best examples of High Victorian Gothic ecclesiastical architecture in the province.

Following a detailed survey, it was decided that the structure should be refurbished, restoring it to its former glory. Externally the main entrance was redeveloped to provide disabled access in the form of a ramp and also steps constructed on a raft foundation. Inside the church, the floor and altar have been removed and replaced with cast in situ reinforced concrete due to cracking and subsidence present in the original. Additional rooms were constructed within the east and west aisles to house a meeting room, a crèche and a kitchen.